Special Event

49,00  zzgl. MwSt.

Info and registration for places on site:

Email to: team@christinavondreien.ch

Awareness creates peace – follow the path of the heart

Saturday, April 27, 2024
10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Hotel Albatros
Illetas – Calvià

With Christina von Dreien, Anke Evertz and Steffen Lohrer
Moderation: Nicola Good

You can expect a wonderful day with 3 top speakers from German-speaking countries. This unique event will enrich you and change your life for the better. Immerse yourself in your own soul essence, let yourself be touched in your depths and in your heart.

You will learn to see your life and your existence from a new perspective here. You will be offered new insights and tools that you can use in your everyday life for a fulfilled life and that will help you to go through these challenging times with more ease.

You are here on this earth now to be part of this incredibly great and challenging time of change. Find out how you can play your part, what your role in this process could be and how you can maintain more composure in even the most turbulent moments.

If you would like to take part live on site, please send an email to team@christinavondreien.ch

Join us as we anchor more light together on this beautiful island!

Additional information


German, Spanish

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